Love is a well from which we can drink only as much as we have put in, and the stars that shine from it are only our eyes looking in.
As a psychotherapist I’ve always been intrigued by relationships and what makes them ‘tick’. So much so that my books emphasise their importance to our lives and our feelings of well-being. Psychologists have recognised the correlation between the warmer, spring weather (that we’re supposed to be enjoying now!) and the upturn in relationships. Particularly those of a romantic nature, be they long-term or more recent.
Spring is when we come out of hibernation and pick up the outside activities we put away for the winter. Things such as walking, gardening, cycling or jogging. The exertion is not only enjoyable, giving us that ‘feelgood’ factor, but also arouses our bodies. Being physical can be sexy! This in turn leads us to feel more attracted to a partner even if they are not doing anything to encourage us. So if both partners get out in the sun and are moderately physical – not too much or it’s counter-productive – then sparks might fly. In other words, getting physical outside in the warmer weather is not just making our bodies healthier, it also makes our love lives healthier.
If you’re just starting to see someone then it’s a good time to share a physical activity outdoors that’ll set the ol’ heart pumping before you get to the kissing stage.♥ Exercise promotes the secretion of endorphins, those wonderful ‘I feel like I’m in love’ hormones. And being outside on a warm, sunny day tends to put us in a better mood regardless of what we’re doing.
We sometimes get in a rut where relationships are concerned and may need to re-ignite the spark that drew us together in the first place. So, weather permitting, be spontaneous and suggest a day out to a nearby area of beauty for a long walk. Water is particularly conducive to a relaxed mood, so a walk by a lake, river or the sea would be ideal. Choose a place where you can have a picnic on your own and re-connect.
With a new relationship you might want something more stimulating. How about sight-seeing, walking quickly to speed up the heart rate. Fair grounds offer an ideal way of getting the heart pounding as long as you like being scared! Again, the message is don’t overdo it or it might be a turn-off ♥
Whether or not your relationship improves or attraction turns to love, you will benefit from enjoying fresh air and physical exercise. And that can’t be bad!